Two Entries in one day Wow.
So here I am again this time it's good afternoon,first of all I have had to delete my bookcase blog owing to technical difficulties in other words I made a mess of it. Better luck this time. Could you please click on to it in my profile if you were a follower or would like to be one. Yesterday was Stuart and I's 46th Wedding Anniversary. We had a lovely day out to St Andrews which was bitterly cold I might add and then we visited a local Art Club's yearly exhibition which was impressive. In the evening we even had a nice meal and we even had a candle. Weather wise (my favourite topic) it was a lovely su ny day but as I said it was bitterly cold just as it was all those years ago. It does not seem that long ago, where have all the year gone, here we are now aged 68 and 65 retired, I'm the youngest and have always been only 19 on the day of the wedding and Stuart was 22, oh those were the days. Enough reminiscing for one day.Today unfortunately Stuart is not so good and we are having a lazy day. We did a few errands this morning in and out of the car for me Stu did the driving today. Had a letter from the doctor yesterday for me to make an appointment for the Hypertension Clinic so we did that, collected prescriptions from the chemist a quick visit to the supermarket for the daily needs and home quick for a pot of coffee and a read of the paper. It is still heavy rain and has been all day. I think that's about it for now that was great news for Nethy and her adventures. (See last entry) So to close I just wanted to say again to Stuart Happy Anniversary and thank you for all those wonderful years. Till next time. Love Joan. The photograph at the top is one I took on Skye of McLeod's Tables.
Blogs I read.
Chapter 2, Page 28, Book 22
*If you can do it once, you can do it again.*
*Author Unknown*
February 28th - Keep on going
*As long as you keep going, you’ll keep getting better. ...
2 years ago
*Thought i would show some family photos. Everything has stopped now for
the summer holidays, except for the rain. Just one more bible study and
then not...
12 years ago
Ally Lifewithally
I have not given up trying to access my Blog ~ So I hope one day soon I
will figure out what to do ?????
Ally x
12 years ago
Hello World
12 years ago
My gosh, I can't believe its been this long. Ive been playing around in
face book and twitter and they keep me so busy but I miss this journal and
all the ...
14 years ago
We went to Blenheim Palace and took some photos. Also here is Ed victorious!
14 years ago
Let me introduce myself!
I`m Perry and I`ve lived with Sandra and Jim for the last week. They`ve
been looking for another labrador since they lost their beloved Jake ...
14 years ago
Major Catch Up!!!
Hello how are you? Wow, it's been a long time again since I last wrote in
this journal. I am crap at writing entries, this is official!!! I was
15 years ago
To all of you who were acquainted with the journal Ye Olde English Posy, I
am sad to inform you that Sylvia passed away in April. She will be greatly
16 years ago
Happy Anniversary to you and Stuart m'dear... how lucky you both are to have found each other so young, you must have had oodles of good times together over the years :o)
How wonderful, many congratulations to you both and a hug to you both as well.
Happy Anniversary to you both. How wonderful that you've been able to have all those years together. I know it's hard to believe how fast time flies.
'On Ya' - ma
What an acheivement Joan and Stuart,may I wish you both a "Wonderful Happy Anniversary" and many more of them too.Yes its been a very cool rainy day here today and still is.I hope you go well with your appointment Joan and prayers for Stuart he soon feels much better.Have a lovely evening together.Take Care God Bless Kath
I found you I am now following your blog.
Happy anniversary, glad you had a lovely day. Today down south it is very warm and muggy.
Jenny <><
Happy Anniversary... hope all is well today
Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! That's a lot of years. Beautiful pictures you have! xx
65 and 68 yrs young, glad to hear you had a nice a nice and here's to many more happy years together.
Take care
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