Good Afternoon, first of all Happy New Year I know it's the 5th already but thing have been a bit hectic here. New Years day was quiet and peaceful just the two of us, on the second we had a great bird watching trip with a friend, take a look its on my journal here then that night Stuart came down with some sort of tummy bug. Saturday was out postponed Christmas Dinner with the family and Richard's in -laws so Stuart put on a brave face and we went, he was miserable but we got through it but by the time we got home just about 5 he was shivering and had no heat in him at all. Got him upstairs and into bed with two hot water bottles and he was soon warmed through. He was not sick at all just felt sick and a bad stomach pains. He stayed in bed for most of yesterday and by evening was much better. Have had my nurses hat on and with all the running up and downstairs I am glad he is up and about today.We awoke this morning to a covering of snow and had another heavy shower during the morning its now very nice all sunny and white, but it is very cold. I have been trying to read all your entries but am a bit behind, some I have read but not commented on but normal service will be resumed as soon as.Will have to go duty calls. Till next time Love Joan.
Blogs I read.
Chapter 2, Page 28, Book 22
*If you can do it once, you can do it again.*
*Author Unknown*
February 28th - Keep on going
*As long as you keep going, you’ll keep getting better. ...
2 years ago
*Thought i would show some family photos. Everything has stopped now for
the summer holidays, except for the rain. Just one more bible study and
then not...
12 years ago
Ally Lifewithally
I have not given up trying to access my Blog ~ So I hope one day soon I
will figure out what to do ?????
Ally x
12 years ago
Hello World
12 years ago
My gosh, I can't believe its been this long. Ive been playing around in
face book and twitter and they keep me so busy but I miss this journal and
all the ...
14 years ago
We went to Blenheim Palace and took some photos. Also here is Ed victorious!
14 years ago
Let me introduce myself!
I`m Perry and I`ve lived with Sandra and Jim for the last week. They`ve
been looking for another labrador since they lost their beloved Jake ...
14 years ago
Major Catch Up!!!
Hello how are you? Wow, it's been a long time again since I last wrote in
this journal. I am crap at writing entries, this is official!!! I was
15 years ago
To all of you who were acquainted with the journal Ye Olde English Posy, I
am sad to inform you that Sylvia passed away in April. She will be greatly
16 years ago
The sun just peeped out here this morning but it is overcast so it won't last. Even when it is cold, the sun makes me feel better. Hope your Monday is a good one. I know it'll be better with Stuart feeling better too. 'On Ya'-ma
We have just had our first smattering of snow and it is very cold here down south. Hope you all stay well now, bugs have hit a lot of people over the holiday time.
Jenny <><
We have a little snow here too today, sparkling the place up, making it look all pretty :o) Happy New Year to your and Stuart m'dear... hope Stuart is feeling all better soon.
Glad to hear Stuart is feeling somewhat better....that same stomach bug has also hit here in the mountains.......rain and overcast today....snow on Thursday!!! Trying to get everything done before then......Happy New Year to you'all!!!LindaMay
Hi Joan "Happy New Year to your and Stuart" we woke up to snow this morning and it has been snowing on and off all day ~ Hope Stuart continutes to get better ~ there are a lot of bugs going about at the moment ~ you would think as it is so cold they would all have been killed off ~ Ally x
Poor Stuart, Do hope he is feeling better now and that you don't come down with whatever it is he has had...Sorry you have ha dthe snow,,,thankfully it has not arrived yet!!...but still -6 this morning and the say -10 tomorrow !!
Love for now Sybil xx
We had snow over night ,and its freezing here in East Anglia ,Poor Sturat ,Ianm so sorry he has felt poorly still with all the TLC you have lavished him with Im sure he will soon feel better..keep warm Jan xx
Hello! Joan
Thanks for your New Year Greetings...and I wish you and Stuart all the best for 2009.
Awwwww hugs to Stuart, sorry to hear he's not well :( Bless you for nursing him x It is flippin' cold isn't it..........
Hi Joan sorry Stuart hasn't felt well.I had a little of it myself yesterday after tea.Soon passed though but wasn't very nice while it lasted.Lots of bugs going around.I enjoyed your trip to see the birds.Glad Stuart is feeling better.I love a hot water bottle myself I must admit.Something about them soothes me and comforts me.I think it's because my Mother always gave me one LOL!!Oh for the good old days He-He.No snow here as yet thank goodness but bitter weather man says it's to be minus eight here get my rugby socks out Heeeeee.Take Care God Bless Kath x
It's very cold here as well Joan, with a light dusting of snow. I hope Stuart feels better soon! I am sure he will with your wonderful nursing skills!
How is he getting along with his Diabetes? tablets or diet?
ps birdwatching on the 2nd sounded pretty good...........
I'm a bit behind as well, sorry to hear Stuart was unwell wishing him a speedy recovery, but you still had you cancelled Xmas with your family.
Really cold wellbelow freezing a smattering of snow, but I'm all warm a toastie indoors. did you watch the Above suspicion" very good wasn't it.
Take care
Poor Stuart, I hope he's doing better now. Seems like illness is striking a lot of your family this Christmas and new year. A very happy new year to you both. We had snow down here yesterday but most had gone by nightfall. Jeannette xx Alphabet entry
Hi Joan...Happy New Year to you, Stuart and family. I'm very behind here. Sorry to hear that Stuart was so ill for the family Christmas. Hope he is feeling better now. We are having freezing rain here mostly it seems. Have a good Wednesday....xx
Happy New Year to you Joan. Glad Stuart is over his bug. You got a lot more snow than we did, now we have freezing fog.
Glad Stuart is better. I am the epitome of dedicated nursing for about 24 hours, then cracks appear. I can cope with light diets, but get a bit ratty with requests for assistance with the television schedules
Hi Joan ,sorry to hear Stuart has been ill ,hope he soon recovers ,bet hes enjoying all your tender loving care ...keep well and warm Jeanxx
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