Saturday, 31 December 2016

Hello just wanted to wish all my old blogging friends a Very Happy New Year.  Its been a long time since I wrote a word but Stuart and I are still here a bit slower of late but still having our grand days out when the weather is allowing us at this time of year it is not so easy to get away dark cold and wet but still the nights are getting shorter and Spring will soon be here.  Till next time keep well my friends and again Happy New Year.    Love Joan.



HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and Stuart. I have a Stuart in my life too.

Jean said...

Happy New Year to you and Stuart! It has been a while since your last post, but so glad to hear from you. Take care, Jean

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy New Year! What a pleasant surprise to see your post this morning ! Glad you are both doing well. Best of wishes for a wonderful new year !

Blogs I read.