Saturday, 29 May 2010

Good Afternoon.

Hello, have just noticed that it is over a month since I wrote anything in my Journal. There are two reasons for this the first one being I have been away for the last two weeks and the second is that I am having great difficulty with my journal. In the postings page the format keeps changing I just cannot get pictures in the new one. The strange thing is that today it have reverted back to the original format so all is well fingers crossed so I will make hay as they say.

We had a lovely holiday, weather was cold and sunny for the first five days and then it got hotter and hotter leading up to last weekend when it was really tropical.

The birdwatching was really very good as the light was excellent and that makes a big difference, makes our lives easier. The picture at the top was take at a place called Sculthorpe it is a lovely wooded area in the centre and marshland on the outside. We had a great day there wandering around on the boardwalks the birds singing and the sun shining it was glorious. I am very happy with the picture at the top of this entry it depicts the day so well and like a friend I now have this as my desktop for the time being. [Am always changing my desktop as the mood takes me]

We have had a busy week in the garden trying to catch up with the weeds they grow so fast when you are away and it takes so long to get them all out again. A very kind neighbour cut our grass just before we got back home which made such a difference, it made things look not too bad. The garden is the only reason I hate going away at this time of year. Still have a good bit to do as the weather has not been very warm this week cold winds and showers but not enough to water the garden. We have two pyramids for sweet peas this year we had not planned for them and had no where to put them but when someone offers you free plants you cannot say no hence the came pyramids.
Will do a picture entry later when I download the rest of my photographs. Till then take care.
Love Joan.

Blogs I read.